How to get rid of warts at home quickly

warts on the lips of girls how to get rid of them

There are various methods to get rid of warts. This is laser therapy, and cryotherapy, and more. But all these methods require huge financial costs, and therefore, when people find out for themselves this education, they first begin to wonder how to get rid of warts at home and can this be done at all? You can, but before doing this, you need to know what warts are and what problems can be caused by home treatment.

What are warts?

Warts (papillomas) are malignant neoplasms of the skin, which can be of various types - flat, round and plantar. That comes with a reason. It is not caused by hormonal changes in the body or other pathologies. Warts occur as a result of damage to the body by the papillomavirus.

You can catch this virus anywhere. To do this, simply visit a public place with boils, wounds that do not heal or cracks on your skin. Through a hole in the skin, the papillomavirus enters the body, but it does not immediately manifest itself.

For 2-3 months, the virus lives in the human body, does not manifest itself in any way. And during this period, a person is free to visit public places, not even suspecting that he is ill and is a carrier of the papillomavirus virus.

When the virus is activated in the body, the skin begins to deform and seals appear on it, which may differ in color from the color of the skin, rise on it, or vice versa, look like small spots. At the same time, the size of the warts can also vary, ranging from a few millimeters to 3-5 cm.

how to get rid of warts on the face

But it should be noted that you can be infected with this pathogen through sexual contact with an infected person. In this case, papillomas form on the genitals, and not only externally, but also internally. Below we will consider how to get rid of warts, but it should be said that you can not use all these methods with the manifestations of this disease. This requires the help of a qualified specialist and the course of antiviral therapy.

What are the dangers of getting rid of warts at home?

Before discussing how to get rid of warts at home, it is necessary to say a few words that treatment at home can be dangerous for you if you do not know how to perform certain procedures properly, or ignore these tips.

Why is it dangerous to get rid of papilloma at home? First, almost all methods of getting rid of warts require the use of funds, actions aimed at reaping the neoplasm. If the procedure is performed incorrectly, there is a risk of burns to the skin and scarring.

Second, if you do not follow all the rules for removing warts at home, chances are the papillomavirus spreads to healthy areas of skin and introduces other infections into the wound, which will exacerbate the course of the disease.

And, third, although the wart is a benign formation, there is a risk of its transformation into a malignant papilloma. Therefore, before doing home treatment for warts, you should consult a doctor.

And most importantly, you can not use alternative medicine, and even more so modern medicine to get rid of warts in children. This can endanger their health!

Alternative medicine

How to get rid of warts with folk remedies? Various methods can be used for this. We will now consider the most effective in more detail. But first I would like to note that all the methods used to get rid of papillomas can cause skin burns. To prevent this from happening, before each procedure, you need to take a regular plaster, cut a hole in it, in which there are only suitable warts. The patch must be glued to the skin, placing the papilloma in the cut hole. This will help prevent skin burns.

Tingtur and garlic ointment and vinegar

The use of this tincture is the most effective method of getting rid of warts. To prepare it, you need to take 4 cloves of garlic, peel them, pass through a press or grate on a fine grater. After that, the resulting garlic porridge should be poured into a ½ cup of apple cider vinegar.

garlic to get rid of warts

The tool must be pressed in a dark place for at least two weeks, and then strain. With the resulting infusion, you only need to wipe the warts 2 times a day. The procedure is performed until the neoplasm is completely gone.

From these ingredients, you can also prepare an ointment that is also effective in getting rid of warts. To prepare it, you need to spread the peeled garlic through a press. This is in the amount of 1 tsp. must be mixed with lard (it must be diluted) in a ratio of 1: 1 and 4 tsp. apple cider vinegar.

How to quickly get rid of warts with this ointment? It should be rubbed on the neoplasm with a thick layer, covered with polyethylene on top and wrapped with a bandage. Compresses should not be removed for 6-8 hours.

Celandine juice

Celandine juice was also used by our grandmothers to treat various skin ailments. Its use can be compared to papilloma removal with a laser. The effectiveness of the procedure can be seen immediately. The warts darken, dry out and decrease in volume.

To carry out treatment at home, it is necessary to lubricate the formation on the skin with fresh celandine juice 1-2 times daily. After that, you can not wet for 1-2 hours. Such activities should be performed periodically until the papilloma disappears.

Wheat flour and vinegar

Is it possible to get rid of warts at home in just 2-3 days? Yes. And for this it is recommended to use the following tool - cake. It is made from wheat flour, garlic and vinegar essence. Remember, the higher the concentration of vinegar, the more effective the treatment.

Vinegar and garlic passed through a press must be mixed in equal parts, after which wheat flour must be added to the resulting mixture until you get an elastic dough. It should be attached to the papilloma, wrapped on top with polyethylene and a bandage.

You need to walk with compresses for 2-3 days. After that, it must be removed, but this should be done very carefully, because the warts should also be removed along with the cake, and along with its roots. The fossa formed at the site of the papilloma must be treated with Vishnevsky ointment.


Home remedies for wartsYou can use the color of iodine alcohol, which is found in every home. Its use is the safest method of getting rid of papillomas, which can be used even in children.

Therefore, to get rid of warts, it is necessary to lubricate them with iodine 2-3 times a day. Of course, there will be no immediate results. But after 3-5 days, the papilloma will begin to darken and dry out. It is necessary to carry out such a procedure until his education disappears by itself.

Salicylic acid

You can get rid of warts at home with the help of salicylic acid. It is sold not only as an ointment, but also as a solution. For the procedure at home, you need a solution of salicylic acid precisely.

Before using it, the area of skin where the warts are located must be thoroughly steamed. Thereafter, salicylic acid solution should be applied to the neoplasm. In order not to burn, this must be done with cotton. From above, the treated papilloma must be wrapped with adhesive and bandage.

Compresses should be stored overnight. In the morning, remove the bandage and rinse the treated area with warm water. This procedure must be performed daily until the formation disappears. At the same time, every 2 days, the warts are boring to treat with pumice stone to remove the stratum corneum on it.

Cauterization with plywood

How to get rid of warts at home quickly? For this you can use a round pencil. You can buy it at any pharmacy. However, it should be used with extreme caution, as the plywood is dry silver nitrate which can cause severe burns and scarring. Therefore, this method of getting rid of warts on the face is not recommended.

To get rid of a papilloma, you just need to process it with a pencil. Already on the same day they will be dark and begin to fall. If the warts only darken after the first procedure, but do not disappear, you should repeat the treatment the next day.

The essential oil

Yes, this tool does not give quick results like, for example, a pencil, but it is very safe for the soft tissue surrounding the papilloma. To use tea tree oil, take a small piece of bandage, soak it with oil and apply it to the warts. From above, the bandage can be repaired with ordinary plaster.

Make sure to compress all night and do it every day. The main thing here is that the oil used is of high quality and without impurities.

tea tree oil to get rid of warts


How to get rid of warts with folk remedies? To do this, you can use ordinary onions, which are also found in every home. It should be peeled and rolled through a meat grinder, and the resulting onion gruel should be applied to the neoplasm, all of which should be wrapped with adhesives and bandages. You need to walk with such a compress for 2-3 hours. It must be done daily until the papilloma disappears.

This method of combating warts is unique in that it can remove not only the formation itself, but also its roots, which prevents the reappearance of papillomas.

It should be noted that traditional medicine is very good in helping to fight warts. However, they were unable to eliminate the cause of its appearance - the papilloma virus. Therefore, after some time, neoplasms on the skin reappear.

To get rid of warts once and for all, you need to undergo full antiviral therapy, which includes taking special medications and diet.